Life's Long Journey

Press April 2009 under Archieve to view full blog

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day Fourteen

This morning, we had our lesson with our Chinese lecturer, Mrs. Edith (石老师). She gave us a brief introduction of Chinese culture, the types, and the value that the Chinese practice.
The typical Chinese culture can be defined by their clothes they wear, the tea they drink, and something that they use every day. For example, Chinese likes to drink tea. This shows the culture of them. The Arabian woman always wear scarf. This makes the foreigner thought that people who wear scarf are always Arabian. This is their culture.

Culture can be split into two parts. Firstly, the background. Second, the code of practice. In Singapore, we are used to combine culture. For example, the mixture of Chinese, Malay, Indians, and some foreign culture.

In China, the Chinese culture is decided by three levels. Material, Society, and Spiritual. The term of material means the living and producing way. E.g. climates, geography, decide the way you live, the pattern of living. In Tibet, even in hot season at summer, the people still wear their fur clothes. The reason because of the climates are change very fast. In the afternoon can reach 34-36 degree, and in the evening can drop to 14 degree. In Western China, the people live in the cave, reason because there is less rain. In Singapore, most of the people live in high rise building, because of the limited landscape.

In term of society, there’s one very good example for it. In Tibet, the old one will make the final decision. However, in GuangDong province, the youngster will make final decision. In most part of China, CCP make decision, except in places like Guangdong and Tibet. In China, the neighborhood committees established in 1949. The government can understand the citizens needs through this society. In the mainland of china, if people want to share their thoughts, complain, they can go to the committees to settle most of the problems.

Thirdly, the spiritual of the Chinese. The philosophy they have, is something that have value. In China, they face population problem. This would cost the shortage of food supply. For the Chinese, they believe that food is everything (民以食为天). They would greet their friends like whether you have eaten? (吃饱了吗) instead of Hello (你好). For the Chinese, wasting of food is something that cannot be forgiven. So, it’s better to not to waste food in china, and to pick up the good habit of the culture.

In China, there are two cluster of culture. The individualist and the collectivist. Both have their own value and philosophy. Individualist is the “I” culture. Everyone suppose to born equal, make decision, and have the rights to things themselves. Not in the fear of others. In collectivists, group work is essential. Only a certain one in the group make decision, which is the leader of the group. Everyone has to obey him and gives up their own ideas. The value of collectivists is to be obedience and group work.

To the Chinese, they are very particular about the addressing and the rank. Chinese loves the word “old”. It means a kind of respect to them. The definition of old to them is an experience person. A person who has good skill on certain area. For example, calling a teacher “老师” old teacher. To us, it sounds weird. But to the Chinese, it means respect to them. “老” means old. In China, people has to show respect to the official people. So, we can address them as “总” , or “主任”; Zong, or Zhu Ren. In this manner, even we don’t know what their rank is, at least we did not offend them by addressing them. In China, we must not address people as “小姐” or “先生”; Xiao Jie and Xian Sheng. It is a very impolite way to address people. Although in Singapore, we are practiced to address people in this manner.

Things that I learnt today
1. When addressing people who are around your age, you can call them handsome or pretty girl(帅哥,美女)
2. Xian Sheng, Xiao Jie (先生,小姐) is not a proper address.
3. Lao Shi Fu(老师傅)is to address people who are skillful.
4. Song Huo Yuan (送货员) is delivery man/woman
5. Fu Wu Sheng (服务生) is waiter/waitress
6. When you calling people auntie, people would think that you have close relationship with her. Unlike in Singapore, we call middle aged woman as auntie too.
7. In Si Chuan, we address the girls and boys as MeiWaEr and NanWaEr respectively.

Today, after class, we went to a new shopping place which our Chinese lecturer brought us there. When I reach the shopping place, immediately I went to McDonald to have my fish fillet. Reason because I was too lazy to shopping too.

Then, after eating, we went to the KTV at Carrefour to sing. Seven of us went there and get some relaxation. The KTV was so huge. We enjoyed in the KTV for 3 hours and decided to go for our dinner. We decided to find some small restaurant to have some food which has white rice. Fortunately, we found it. Thank goodness too, the food are fantastic. I never knew that having white rice is so blessed. I’m actually quite sick of noodles that I eat everyday ( there’s only breads and noodles near my school).

Today, I learnt more about the Chinese culture and had some fun with my friends in the KTV. I have to thank my Chinese lecturer for sharing her knowledge with us. At least, to know how to greet people without offending them.


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