Life's Long Journey

Press April 2009 under Archieve to view full blog

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day Four

Early in the morning, I woke up in the terrible manner. Reason because early in the morning the radio suddenly on Deng Li Jun song. I was shocked and woke up immediately.
In the morning, the breakfast provided was porridge, buns, peanuts, vegetables, eggs, and pumpkins. The hygiene they have is terrible. The bowl still has black stains on it which is removable. Although I requested for a change of the bowl, the new bowl also has black stains on it. Out of no choice, I have to remove it by using tissue.

At around 8 o’clock, the cruise reached the Yangtze river(神龙江). We transfer to a small boat because the cruise is too big and cannot enter to some of the places because the water is shallow.
Finally, we stopped and landed to transfer to another smaller wooden boat. There are five people controlling the boat. The Captain (Lao Da), behind the boat, controlling the direction of the boat, Lao Er, controlling the speed of the boat when the boat is flowing too fast and row the boat, Lao San, Lao si , and Lao wu rowing the boat. All of them are immune to the weather. Not like us, wearing jackets, they even wear short pants and row the boat.

The grass sandals they wearing has special function. First because it is lasting even it touches water always, second is because it’s anti-slippery function, because the rocks are very slippery.
We were told by the tour guide that in the past, they do not wear clothing because they are too poor to get a proper one. In the past, they wear gunny clothes, but because it is very rough, they often damage their skins. Therefore, they decided not to wear anything instead, as it make things work easier, and will not damage their skins.

In the boat, the tour guide shares their culture with us. She talked to us about their culture, taught us how to sing their songs, and told us that if a girl in their village cannot sing a song, she can never be married. Reason is because the way they communicate with their opposite sex is very special, by singing to them. What a wonderful and romantic way.

When finish taking the boat in the Yangtze River, we got back to our cruise again. This time, our trip is to go to the famous three Gorges and visit the BaiDiCheng(白帝城). During the journey, we saw 3 ancient coffin that are made of HuangYangMu(黄杨木). The wood has preserve function, that’s why the coffin can last for few thousands year. We are also blessed to see the mountain that is carved behind the ten dollars note. I took the note our and compared, it is exactly the one =).

Finally, we arrived to the BaiDiCheng. We were told that in the past, Liu Bei ended his historical move in this city. He handed his kingdom to ZhuGeLiang and had him to take care of his family there. It was the place where Liu Bei died.

In BaiDiCheng, we visited the BaiDiMiao(白帝庙), the temple which you have to climb 200 over steps. Inside the temple, there are many ancient stones that have ancient words carved on it. Besides that, during the war in China, the statues heads were chopped off. The tour guide told us that the body of the statues have 400 years of history, and the head of the statues, which is nicely place back, has 80 years of history. Then, we walked around the city and appreciate the views of the place.

After visiting the place, we went down to buy some hot potatoes and noodles. The potatoes are fantastic, we enjoyed the potatoes and the noodles in the cruise for the dinner. However, at that night, we had two heavy dinner because there’s dinner provided in the cruise too.
We ended our day very early that night. Most of us are very exhausted because we visited to many places that day. In day four, we have learnt one of the most famous Chinese history.
To be added:

There’s something which is very interesting. In the cruise, we had conversation with the uncle who is selling things behind the cruise. From him, we learnt that the Chinese still have very bad memories in their mind towards the Japanese. The Chinese told us that they will never forget the world war three. The humiliation, the things they had done to the Chinese.


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