Life's Long Journey

Press April 2009 under Archieve to view full blog

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day Twenty Eight

This morning, the school organized a trip for us to visit the Taoist temple and the museum of Sun Yat-Sen. First, we went to the temple. However, I found that the temple does not have much history behind it. Overall we did not learn much there.

Then, we went to the museum after the temple. When we arrived the museum, we saw an old uncle is playing kite. From the way he plays with the kite, it’s obvious that he’s a very experience player. We all enjoyed watching he play while we were queuing for the tickets.
Finally, we received our tickets after a long wait. We entered to the museum and our lecturer paid 20 Yuan to employ a tour guide to guide us along the trip. The tour guide told us, Mr.Sun was a Chinese revolutionary and political leader who overthrown the Qing dynasty in 1911. Then, we went to a room which has some statues that represents the situation at that time, the army that Mr.Sun leads. We saw the guns they used, it was real old.

Then, we went to a room. A room that the politician hold their meetings. The room was not big, and the room cannot hold many people. In the room, you can see the banner of the Wuchang uprising flag of October 10, 1911. The flag has 18 yellow stars which were used to represent the 18 administrative divisions at that time. In Shanghai and northern china, a “five-colored flags” was used of five horizontal stripes representing the five major nationalities of China. The Han (Red), the ManChu (Yellow), the Mongol (blue), the Hui (White), and the Tibetan (black). When the government of the Republic of China was established on January 1, 1912, the “Five-colored flag” was selected by the provisional Senate as the national flag. The 18-Star Flag was adopted by the army and the modern flag was adopted as naval ensign. Sun Yat-Sen. However did not consider the five-colored flag appropriate, reasoning that horizontal order implied a hierarchy or class like that which existed during dynasty times.

After visiting museum, we went to the food street which is near our school to take away some dinner. I took the lotus soup and take away some food for my dinner. We all had our dinner in Cheong Rui’s place and were watching the show acted by twins. I went back to my hostels for some rest after watching the show.


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